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Quick Guide

Step 1 - Login / Registration

Click on Login and log in with your university account. The login is done via the

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login page.

Note for external users

If you do not have an account of the University of Music Freiburg, please contact us, we can set up an account for testing purposes. If you want to use the koala application permanently, we recommend you (or your institution) to install the application on your own. We are happy to assist you with the installation.

For more information on koala login options, please refer to the Manual -> Login.

Step 2 - Create a Session

  • After logging in, the My Sessions window opens. Click on New Session to create a session. You wil be asked for a name of the new session. Afterwards you will be directed to the session's settings panel.
  • In the Session Settings, first enter a name and a description for the session and define the session's behaviour and availability.
  • Under the
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    tab, you can select and upload an audio file. If you do not upload a file, you can start a
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    within the session.
  • Then, create the markers for your session: First, select the desired marker type: -
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    The fallback content to display on prerendering

In addition to a name, you can also give the marker a description and, if necessary, an abbreviation, an icon, and a custom color. Once the marker meets your needs, click on Add Marker. The marker appears in the Placement area and can be arranged individually and also deleted by drag & drop. To delete a marker, drag it into the red field with the trash can.

  • Under "Members", you can already enter participants by adding their e-mail addresses to the list of participants. By sending them a short note when creating the session you can invite them to the session. See also Step 3.

Step 3 - Add Members

In the last section of the session creation, you can add new members to your session by sending invitation links via email. To add new members, simply click on the button with the plus sign and, if necessary, enter a personal message that you want to send with the invitation link.

If you do not want to invite the members in advance, or do not know their e-mail addresses, you can also use the QR code just before you want to start the session by distributing or projecting it. Most smartphones and tablets have a camera and QR code scanner that brings participants directly into the session.

Step 4 - Annotate

  • To open the session, click in the My Sessions window either on the session name or on the Join icon on the far right in the session line. ../../static/img/arrow-circle-right.svg
  • As soon as you start the player, the audio file will be played and you can start annotating by clicking on the respective markers below the player or moving the slider marker. If you want to annotate together with participants in a teaching situation, for example, you must first check the Editing box under releases. Only then is an annotation possible for participants.

Step 5 - Evaluate

After completing the annotation process, you can view the annotations of all members of the session in an overview in the Evaluation window and also play the audio file again. Using the View button in the top right corner of the evaluation window's menu bar, you can selectively show and hide the participants' annotations.